Monday, November 7, 2016

Items of Jamaa, Episode 10: Bubblegum Machine

Yes, for today's morning post, we will be doing another episode of Items of Jamaa. Oh, and by the way, yesterday I turned into a Non-Member when my membership expired. I'll be getting a membership again soon, but for now, I'll once again get the experience of a Non-Member, Anyways...the Bubblegum Machine is today's item, so let's begin!
- It is available as a prize in the Forgotten Desert.
- It used to interact with the player, but not anymore.
- It was released during Beta Testing.
- It's counterpart is the Giant Bubblegum Machine.
- It is commonly called the Gumball Machine.
- It might still be an interactive item, because when you click on it in your den, the animal will not move towards it. 
- When it was sold in stores, it was only 45 gems!
- It is one of the many "Den Betas" available in the game.
- There was never any explanation to why the interaction part (well, besides the animal not moving) was removed.

That's some pretty interesting information! What do you guys think about it? Comment your thoughts below, I have to go to school now. Bye guys.

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