Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Departing Spring Throne, Daily Explorer Update and Weird Comparison

Alright, hey guys (a throwback to the old Julian2), it's time for another post! Today has been alright for me, but now that the new Trimester of school is here, we've started a new unit. And since I'm n Advanced Math, I do the math ahead of my grade. So 8th grade math is what I have to do currently. I also feel like algebra is the base of all math now, because we always use variables now. But I'll be studying that later. Today I'm finally back on track. Thanksgiving break affected this, but now this last three weeks of school before Christmas break are when I will reboot my school life again. The funny part, though, is that I'll have an even longer break coming up soon, which is for Christmas. 
Anyways, let's move on from the things going on in my life. Here is the newest item- oh, wait a second. I couldn't find any new items today. However, today is the last day to pick up a Spring Throne! It is leaving to make room for all of the Jamaaliday and Winter items. 
That picture literally took 5 minutes to load... and I have no idea why.
Now, here is the Daily Explorer update released today.
 This makes me think of Spongebob. I bet you guys know why.
Finally, I was in the Diamond Shop searching for new updates when someone said "cool Neverland boy outfit". Now, I saw this, and then I looked at my outfit. Woah, guys, guys, guys... I never realized this, but my main look is similar to Peter Pan. Thanks to that Jammer for saying so, because I never realized this.

I don't know how I didn't notice the similarities. They're so obvious!
Before I end this post, I'd like to remind you that the AJ Spring Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt starts on Thursday, December 1st. Don't forget to read the morning posts each day from then until Christmas, because you can win a prize! To learn more information about this 25 day event, click here
Anyways, that's all I have for this post! I hope you guys enjoyed, and make sure to return soon for more posts. Bye!

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