Sunday, November 13, 2016

Departing Polar Bear Claw, Daily Explorer Update and Zios is a Toucan Conspiracy

The next post is about to be made... in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1... 
Let's begin!
So, yeah, it's time for another post. I hope that intro got the word out. Today is Sunday, and for me, that just meas I have to go back to school tomorrow. That sucks. I have so many tests this next week (it's the last week of the Trimester, which is a third of the school year for me.) Ill be studying/reading soon. Hopefully this week I'll actually be able to make good posts n the afternoon. But for now, I'm not worried about the new week. Let's get back to this post. I didn't find a new item, today, but there is a soon-o-be-departing one that's in the Diamond Shop, Make sure to pick up the Polar Bear claw before it's gone!
And secondly, here is the Daily Explorer update.
 Finally, Julian2, as you all know, is the man to go to for Animal Jam conspiracies. i recently watched a new video by him and I thought it really made sense. Watch it for yourself, and tell me what you guys think about it in the comments.
This actually seemed pretty reasonable to me, and made a lot of sense. What's your opinion on this conspiracy? Luckily, this coming Thursday is an update day, and I'm sure we'll be getting interesting news. 
That's about all I have for this post, I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'll see you soon.

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