Thursday, November 3, 2016

Feast of Thanks History and a Few 2016 Predictions

Hey guys! I'm back again, and today is getting close to Friday. I just wish it was the weekend already. This has been a long week for me. Anyways, for the morning post today, I'll be telling you about the history of the Feast of Thanks, or the Thanksgiving season (on AJ). 
Feast of Thanks is usually released in Early November, and there are many items released that are associated with it. Headdresses are a big part of this holiday, and they aren't available today unless you trade.It used to be a small deal, but now it's much bigger since the 2014 updates helped the Feast of Thanks by adding an adventure. The main attraction during the Feast of Thanks today is Twists and Turns, the seasonal adventure.
There aren't any parties dedicated to the Feast of Thanks, but there are Daily Explorer contests, adventures, and items to celebrate it. Also, it comes right after the Halloween Season, so it should be out anytime. Exactly after this is over, the Jamaaliday (Christmas, but AJ calls it the Jamaalidays) season will arrive. I've already seen tons of Christmas ads and Black Friday deals. 
Now, what do I think about this year's Feast of Thanks? I have a prediction: there might be rare Pet Turkeys. Last year there were Pet Turkeys, but this year there might be Rare ones. Just like AJHQ did with the Pet Phantoms. So, I'm predicting that during this Feast Of Thanks, there'll be Pet Turkeys. This might seem weird, but it's possible. What do you think?
Okay, that's about all I have for this morning post. I'll see you guys later!

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