Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Maple Leaf Skirt, Popcorn on The Cob and Another Server Idea

Hey guys! Today is officially my first day of Thanksgiving break, so expect many more posts, despite me being sick. I'm not really sick right now, but I have a cough, runny nose, and other simple things. But let's continue the post. (After all, being sick isn't going to stop me from eating 500 pounds of food tomorrow.) So, for the post, here is the newest item in stores.
For this item, I believe that AJHQ realized their mistake with the Maple Leaf Pattern Skirt (at least, that's what I think it was called) and tried to make a new version. This one is better in my opinion.
And here is the Daily Explorer update released today, and it's an interesting topic. Popcorn on the cob. It sounds pretty interesting!
The last part of today;s post will be another one of my ideas. Yes, another idea. Remember how there are now art servers, along with the trading servers?
Well, I have been playing a lot of adventures lately, and I think there should be a server dedicated to them. Sometimes, it's hard to get all four players in just a random server, so there should be a specific server for adventures. It'd make it easier to get people to join you.
In fact, I just got another idea: what if each server was actually a specific place to do something? What if AJHQ announced that each server would be for certain things such as adopting, trading, art, adventures, chatting, playing games, etc. ?
These are just my thoughts. What do you guys think? Comment below, and I'll see you soon in my next post!

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