Saturday, July 2, 2016

A Jammer's Dream (Part 2)

Hello for the fourth time today. Remember a little while back when I posted a story preview? Well, I have finished the second part! Once again remember that this is NOT in paragraph form (what a writer should use for their story.) This part has a tiny bit of gore in it, but it's not that bad. Anyways, here is the second part! (Read Part 1 is you haven't read this. Part 1's post title is called "Story Preview" and is under the June section of the archives.)

“They could be watching us right now…” I blurt out. Nova grins widely and I can tell she’s thinking about killing a Phantom.
“Well, we have to begin our little ‘journey’,” I tell her. And then we set off into the prairie.
In the prairie there is very tall grass that bothers my fur. Along the way I have to brush it off of my fur because it is pretty much getting stuck there. Once we reach an opening in the grass, Nova and I delay our journey and relax for a moment. The sun is still blazing down onto the Earth and right now I feel fearless. Mira only knows what could be in store for the two of us.
“Hey, Cup, have you ever wondered where Kurkah lives? Nobody knows where his actual den is,” Nova ponders.
“Don’t know, don’t care,” I tell her.
“What’s wrong, Cup?”
“I don’t know. It’s just that so many of my enemies adore him and that makes me hate him,” I explain to her.
“Well, I don’t think he’s that bad. He’s pretty funny.”
“Wait a second- I’m sure they told Kurkah about this undiscovered land, so he might live out here,” I randomly point out. I feel weird talking about a rare and famous Jammer.
“Cup, you’re a genius! I doubt there’s any better place than this prairie. After all, it would give him a lot of peace and he wouldn’t be swarmed by his fans,” Nova grins.
I peer outside of the opening and notice a hole in the ground. I tell Nova, and she races over to explore it. I try to catch up with her and I sprint through the tall grass that hits me in the face. I finally make it to another small opening where Nova is waiting for me by the small hole.
“Come on, let’s go in!” Nova hops into the hole and races down a tunnel inside.
“I don’t know if this is such a good-” I begin to say, but she comes back up and takes me with her down the tunnel.
“What do you think is down here?” I wonder as we pass lit torches. Somebody must’ve been here recently- or is here.
“I don’t know, but we’re about to find out,” Nova says as we continue down a dirt path. She sees a big light up ahead.
Once we reach the spot, there’s many different passageways, a nice blue carpet covering the floor, and luxury is around every corner. I know what this is place is.
“Cup, you were right. Kurkah does live out here,” Nova exclaims.
“Welcome, welcome! You guys are the first regular Jammers that have visited my place- well- ever!” Kurkah comes out of nowhere. Kurkah is an Arctic Wolf with a Black Spiked Collar, Black Spiked Wristband, a Light Pink Headdress and yellow fur. I don’t understand why he uses this look when it doesn’t even match.
“Umm… hello?” I step in front of Nova.
“Cup. I know who you are. And you’re with Nova. I know every Jammer in Jamaa. What brings you two here?” Kurkah begins to laugh. “Do you need me to help you?”
“No, actually, we just saw a cave when we were passing through. The Alphas sent us on a special mission,” I tell him.
“Why don’t you take me with you?” Kurkah asks while leaning on a wooden elevator that brings you down to a lower floor of the den.
“Because we don’t need you.”
“Trust me, I’ll help you out as best as I can!” Kurkah laughs.
“Oh, and I’ll give you rares,” he adds.
“We don’t need your rares!” Nova steps up.
“Come on, this could be an adventure we can all go on! What is it now, fighting the Phantoms? Taking rares away from- oops, I meant defending Jamaa?” Kurkah begins to sweat a little.
“Listen, we don’t need you,” Nova tells him.
“Please! I haven’t gotten to know a regular Jammer in forever. I need to communicate with you guys!” Kurkah begs.
I glance and Nova, and she glances back.
“Fine, you can go. But don’t screw up- we’re trying to find out where the Phantoms are hiding out,” Nova grants Kurkah permission.
Kurkah leaps for joy and bounces around his underground den. Torches light up the place and to get from floor to floor there are wooden elevators. There’s also many luxury den items like televisions, beds, books, and more.
“Listen, Kurkah, if you’re going to come with us, we have to start going now,” I stop Kurkah from dancing around any longer. We can’t cooperate with somebody that’s completely nuts.
“Okay, let’s go right now,” Kurkah stops being weird and fixes his spiked collar.
“I’m ready to kick some Phantom-” Kurkah begins, but Nova stops him.
“There’s no need to cuss.”
The three us journey back out of the den and into the prairie.
“Which way are we heading?” Kurkah wonders, starting to become a little bit more serious.
“We’re heading north; it is the way the Alphas believe the Phantoms could be,” Nova explains.
We continue going through the prairie and Kurkah winces at every grass that hits him in the face. I can barely hold back a laugh when one takes off his Spiked Collar and he gasps in embarrassment.
Finally, the prairie ends and we’re all consumed by a forest of trees that leads us up the mountain range. We ask Kurkah is he’s ever been this way, but he says no and that’s he’s never been farther than his home.
Inside the forest it is peaceful- the only sounds possible to hear are the leaves shaking in the steady wind and our pawsteps on the ground. There’s not much sunlight in this forest, either, because the treetops are blocking it all out.
“Is it just me, or do I feel- mystical in this place?” Nova suddenly blurts out as we journey through the forest.
“You’re not the only one. I feel like there’s deep magic here,” I reply.
“You guys aren’t scaring anyone! You can’t fool me, I’m not stupid! I don’t feel anything- wait a second… what’s going on? Why do I feel like anything is possible?” Kurkah begins to argue then realizes what Nova and I are talking about. I look at the map, and the forest we’re in right now is titled “The Enchanted Land”. I flip the map over and find out that there’s information on each area. It turns out that the Enchanted Land was once a tribe of ancient animals, even before the time of Jamaa. They were unique and had extra-terrestrial powers, but legend has it that they were wiped out by the Phantoms. However, there’s still rumors that the Alphas and stray animals passing through here have seen them and that they found a new home in the forest.
I begin to think about the famous Jammers of Jamaa. Kurkah is by far the most famous, but he’s probably the only rare-obsessed one I know. Not all of the famous Jammers are bad. Yet I somehow begin to feel sorry for Kurkah and the loneliness he feels.
“Guys, what is that?” Nova stops dead in her tracks. Ahead of us is a bunch of fallen trees and wood scattered all over the ground. On top of a large pile of wood is a huge wolf with eyes staring right at us.
“Run!” Kurkah screams at the top of his lungs. We run back the way we came from and Kurkah trips over a fallen branch while I slam into a camouflaged tree. Nova tries to save Kurkah and I, but the large wolf finally catches up with us and we’re all put onto his back. The last thing I remember before falling asleep is entering a hidden city made out of wood.
“Wake up! Cup, it’s me, Nova! We’re still alive!” Nova wakes me up. I am laying on a wooden bed with many leaves to make it comfortable. Right now the two of us are in a small room made out of wood- with no windows.
“Cup, we’ve been taken in by the Tribe of Ersel Animals. I read the back of the map. I’ve talked to their leader, and they said they would help us on our journey,” Nova explains.
The Tribe of Ersel animals. So that’s lost tribe the alphas mentioned on the map!
Just then another huge wolf comes through the door and greets us. It has dark, green eyes that glitter in the sn. It has jet black fur and very sharp claws.
“Welcome, welcome. We are the Tribe of Ersel animals, and we greet you in peace,” the wolf explains.
“Your friend Nova has told everything about you and your kind’s history. We actually know about Jamaa- we helped Zios himself give it life. We started many of the races of animals there today. However, we couldn’t go there because the place was threatened by Phantoms, and we know that there are still threats there today,” the wolf thoroughly admits.
“We need your help-” I begin to say, but the large wolf stops me.
“I already know. The Phantoms are planning an attack on your land. We’ve been watching them grow over the years, and they’ve gotten much nastier. In fact, we know exactly where their new hideout is,” he finishes.
“Thank you. What is your name?” I finally manage to get out of the straw bedding.
“Ikenus,” he says.
“Can you take us to your leader?” Nova blurts out. Ikenus nods and open the small wooden door of the hut we’re in.
Nova, Ikenus and I exit the hut. Outside of it- we’re in a- wait a second… what are we in?
“Cup, this is the Underground Dome of Ersel. It is made out of green glass and under it is where we are. Down here is our hideout, which includes a large village and many different buildings. Nobody has discovered us because the green dome is camouflaged into the green forest above,” Ikenus reveals.
We walk from hut to hut on a dirt path. All the huts look similar and made out of wood. Many different animals are walking around, but each one is bigger than the normal ones of Jamaa. Finally we reach a larger wooden building that looks like it was built for royalty. Torches light the way up the path, and basically light up everything down here. Inside we go down a few hallways that all look the same- wooden walls, red carpet and paintings hung on the walls. Finally we reach one special room and a very familiar wolf sits on a throne.
“Hello you two. I have heard all about you. Your friend Kurkah is still sound asleep in one of the huts. Oh, I haven’t introduced myself! I am Ersel, the leader and oldest animal in this tribe of animals,” Ersel says.
Ersel is much smaller than any of the animals here, but he looks wise. He has ice-blue eyes and a scarred face. What could be so familiar about him?
“The Phantoms are west of here. But I’m warning you- to the west there are dangerous cliffs, beaches with strong waves and pirates that’ll tear your guts out for a few gems,” Ersel explains.
“I can’t you three Jamaasians here much longer, for my tribe will begin to worry. I will ask you to leave, but I am giving you my strength to go on your journey,” Ersel walks up to us.
“I wish you luck,” he nods, and then Ikenus escorts us out of the royal building.
“Nova, something seemed familiar about Ersel…” I whisper to Nova as Ikenus takes us to find Kurkah.
“I think so, too, but I don’t exactly know what,” Nova replies.
We remain silent until Ikenus opens the door of another small hut and Kurkah comes out. Kurkah shivers in fear, but Ikenus explains to him that the Tribe of Ersel Animals has taken us in through peace. Kurkah then figures out where we have to go, and he prepares for the rest of the journey we have.
We gather our things and Ikenus leads us to a winding staircase that goes up. The stairs are made out of wood and seem a little unstable at first.
“Remember, just go up these stairs and immediately go west. It’s the easiest route to where the Phantoms are currently hiding,” Ikenus finishes and the three of us begin our trip up the stairs. I tell Ikenus goodbye and he says the same.
We reach the top of the stairs and we’re back in the forest. The Mythical Forest. I look around at the age trees and green grass. It once again feels so peaceful up here.
“Well, west is that way,” Nova points out. Ahead I can see a small opening.
“Are you sure we can trust those guys? We don’t even know them!” Kurkah cries out loud.
“I’m sure that Zios has approved of them. Now come on, let’s go west and stop the Phantoms before their plans destroy Jamaa!” Nova responds with a flick of her head.

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