Wednesday, July 13, 2016


AJHQ just gave a little announcement like they do sometimes, but I found this one pretty interesting. It was about Pointillism, a form of art which you create with a bunch of tiny dots.
I think there's actually a masterpiece in Wisteriamoon's den that portrays a piece of art that is pointillism. It looks like this:
Pretty cool, huh?
I just wanted to share this because some people might not know about Pointillism, and it's actually cool when AJHQ gives you educational facts. But now, I have to go; I'm pretty tired and I can't sleep in tomorrow morning... cry
Okay, that's all for now, I'll see you guys in my next post!


Swirlshine said...

Ah yes, I saw that picture in Wisteriamoon's den, It's impressive!

Starlynn said...

I wonder how long that takes, to make a bunch of Dots into a picture