Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Items of Jamaa Episode 1: Spiked Wristbands/Collars

Well, I am now back and I will be starting another new series. This series will give you background information and facts about the items of Jamaa. These will not be Rarity Scans, these will just give you cool facts about these items like the release dates, popularity, if they have been changed over the years, etc. 
Anyways, let's begin! In this episode we will be talking about the most overrated item in Jamaa. (My opinion) And I think you guys know it. The item we will be talking about is the Spiked Wristband, or Spiked Collar. 

- Spiked Collars were one of the original monthly member gifts.
- Spiked Collars were released in 2011 as a Monthly Member Gift.
- These Spiked Collars have a relative called the Spiked Wristband, which can be seen above.
- Spiked Collars can be won in The Forgotten Desert.
- They used to be SUPER rare, but today they are decreasing in rarity and are common.
- There are many variants of them, including the two Diamond Shop collars and wristbands that have been released in the past. 
- They are still one of the most wanted items in the game.
- They used to be called "Spiked Necklace".
- While the long spiked wristband can be recycled for 290 gems, the short one can be recycled for 300.
- There has been a Spiked Table released by AJHQ in Play Wild, which is a spin-off on spikes.
- The Long Spiked Wristband used to be called a "Spikey Wristband".

Popularity Rate: 9.2/10 (has been decreasing over the years)

There are alot of cool facts about Spiked Collars/Wristbands, isn't there? Before I end this episode, I got some of my information from The Animal Jam Wiki, so credits go to them for some information. Anyways, I'll see you guys in my next post.


Starlynn said...

In my opinion, why would anyone wanna dump out all of there items over these? I'd much rather trade everything I have for something symbolizing.

purple said...

Cool facts! The spiked table is very weird though. XD