Sunday, July 10, 2016

Lunar Footprints, Yak Horns, Departing Item and Coral Canyons Glitch

Woah! Look! It's a Bird! It's a Plane! No, it's....
Okay, since there's actually no John Cena here, he won't be here to interrupt my post! So let's begin. Here is the two newest items in stores.

The Yak Horns are similar to the Gazelles in my opinion. 
Also, the Rain Cloud is departing in five days, so make sure to pick one up at the Diamond Shop!
Now, moving on to the second part of this post. Here is the Daily Explorer update.
 I was just thinking about the Upcoming Sloths. Here's a picture of what they could look like, found in the Jamaa Journal:
Now, have you ever thought about how these Sloths will get around? If you think about it, they're actually very slow, but what will AJHQ do with them? Make them fast, or very slow? I am actually looking forward to seeing what they will walk like. 
And lastly, we probably all know about this Snake in Coral Canyons...
But the thing is, it's not on flat ground- it's literally flat down on a side of a cliff. If you can see what I'm talking about, you'll notice the cliff is actually a steep mountain and the snake is just sitting there like it is flat land. 
Okay, that's all I have for this post, I hope you guys enjoyed it! I'll be posting more things later, so don't LEAVE ME YET... or else. (Just kidding. You can leave me if you want to.)

1 comment:

☀2fangwolf AJ☀ said...

*john cena theme plays*
I really am excited for the sloths. ^^