Wednesday, July 27, 2016

To All The Bloggers

I just wanted to tell you guys something that you might now know. You see, I can only comment on My Little Jammers and The Animal Jam Spring. Why? I don't know, but pop-up windows allow me to comment while all others don't. Back in 2014 something happened to my old laptop and it created a glitch where I couldn't comment on Blogger with my main account, Penguin Boss. I just wanted to tell you that because I know of many great blogs that I don't comment on because, well, I literally can't. It's really weird, but if these blogs had a Pop-Up window to comment on, it would allow me. So don't think I never read your blogs, because I do. I just can't comment on posts because of a weird glitch that has been happening to me since 2014. I tried fixing it by restarting my computer, powerwashing it, and everything possible I could think of. But nothing happened. I even cleared out my history, storage and downloads. Still, I could not comment. Just recently I figured out I could comment on pop-up windows.
Anyways, I hope you guys all understand this! I read many blogs, but I just can't comment. That's all for this post now, I'll see you later.


Starlynn said...

Hey wait, you are an author on those two blogs right? What if for some reason, you can only comment on blogs that you are an author on?!

Lostfairy said...

That's a good idea, Sky! Maybe look up how to fix it?

Also, I was always wondering why you never commented on my blog or others. I know now that you can't. Sorry. >.<

P.S. Thanks for following my blog, though! :)

Violet AJ said...

Oh I have an idea! If you can comment on all blogs on other accounts why don't you just make another acount that's the same but add it to your blog then make it an administrator then on your old account delete yourself, then log in to your new account then you can comment! It might be a lot of work. But then you'll be able to comment.

Penguin55544 said...

I'm actually an author on 5 different blogs (AJ Spring, My Little Jammers, AJ Community blog, AJ blogger's Journal and The Voice AJ) ANd you have a good point. However, I have learned that only pop-up windows work because every blog (including the ones I can post on) that have no pop-up window won't let me comment.

Violet, that's a really great idea! I might put it into consideration. Arcticstar would have to re-invite me to the AJ Community though, the new account would be alot of work, and all the blogs I did post on would no longer be on that account. I would have to tell the other owners to re-invite me. And, I don't really think it's my account, it's the computer that I use. Now that I think about it, I should try commenting on my new laptop...

Starlynn said...

Maybe it's has something to do with the format/age of the blog? Try typing a comment on a tablet or something. Idk Probably just your computer.

Starlynn said...

Long and most likely wrong theory alert: Okay so, when I'm on my tablet/phone it just lets me comment. The computer makes me use the pop up tab. What if your computer behaves like a tablet/phone on everything accept the blogs that have a update software or something? Someone how the blogs you can comment on are different. This probably wrong

☀2fangwolf AJ☀ said...

^ those are all good ideas that you could try.
On my blog and many others you are able to comment as an anonymous user. Does that work for you? You could try it.

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