Monday, July 18, 2016

New Template - The Pirate's Quest

Hey Guys! I just finished making the new template, and I hope you like it. I spent alot of time working on it. I am going to name this template A Pirate's Quest because the music's name includes Pirate, there is a Pirate's ship, and the background image includes a map and a magnifying glass. Pretty cool, right? I haven't had a Pirate Theme or Ocean one for a little while, so I thought this would be nice. After all, it is Summer, and you want something that takes place in nice, cool, water. I have the sudden urge to go to a pool- but I'm home alone and nobody would pick me up. Oh well, I hope you enjoy the new template; I have some other post ideas for today that will come out later. Until then, I'll see you guys later.


Cheer said...

I love it! I also think it's pretty awesome how you label your themes!

Starlynn said...

This is so cool! I'll miss the old music though.

Penguin55544 said...

Yeah, the old music was pretty cool. But don't worry, I know of plenty more videos with great music that I'll use for the future. I somehow get ideas left and right.

Swirlshine said...

My favorite music so far was Star Sky!

Violet AJ said...

Oh nice template