Monday, July 18, 2016

RIM Egyptian Hat, Departing Items and Blue Fire

Hello Jammers!
Sadly, I didn't post yesterday, but I was really busy with family and other stuff. Some relatives came into town that live in a different state and we went to my family's main house to spend the day together. I was tired when we got home. But anyways, I'm here today, so here is the RIM that was released today.
Also, I was looking in the Underwater shops and I found that three Freedom Items will be leaving soon. Make sure to pick them up before they're gone!
And the third thing in this post is the Daily Explorer update. You guys expected that, right?
 Finally, in the Crystal Palace den there are many statues of the Alphas. One in particular, though, is of Sir Gilbert. And he is holding Fire. Blue Fire. Could this be one of the Alpha's treasures or secret,s or is it just decoration? Is it one of their powers? Fire is cool, but I've never seen them use it is any of the AJHQ videos. If it's just for decoration, I think AJHQ should make it into a power Jammers can use against Phantoms in adventures.
Well, that's going to be all for this post, but I will be posting later. I hope you guys enjoyed this and continue to read my posts. As the Blog Quote says, "the world will always be springing full of discoveries." You never know what you'll find in Jamaa.


Starlynn said...

I love making lil theories about Jamaa. I'll probably plan on getting that RIM and forget. XD

Penguin55544 said...

XD When I buy RIMS, I usually never wear them and I forget about them. And yes, the little theories are cool to think about. I had this series called Jamaa Wonders and I've been thinking about bringing it back because I like to think about the theories. Also, those posts made people wonder alot, just like the title says.

Swirlshine said...

I just noticed that the Sir Gilbert statue has a symbol on it's chest that looks a lot like a cross. Hm...

Starlynn said...

Jamaa Wonders? O.o As a new Jammer, I would advertise for people to come into my den for a tour of "Jamaa Wonders" Then I would tell them my lil theories about Jamaa. While we walk around Jamaa. Also, forgot the RIM. XD