Sunday, July 3, 2016

Pixelated Lawn Torch + Fizzy Daily Explorer Update

Hello my fellow Jammers... it's your boy John Cena here. 
Okay, I'm pretty sure you know I was being sarcastic. But anyways, this post is going to be a little bit shorter because I don't really know what to post about today.
So, I guess we shall begin. Here is the new item in stores, the Pixelated Lawn Torch.
And now... here is the latest version of the Daily Explorer. Today we have an experiment, so read carefully if you want to try it out.
 Really quick I'd like to address something. I feel like my posts aren't nearly as detailed as they used to be. most of my older posts were much more interesting and I was more enthusiastic. From now on, I'm going to try and make the most original posts I can, that don't just include a new item, a Daily Explorer update and a few things that you may have not noticed. I'm doing this for you guys- I want to entertain you. Also, speaking of entertainment, this is for some of the newer viewers: I used to do this contest with my buddies called The Voice AJ. If you've heard of NBC's The Voice, this is kind of like that, but the Animal Jam version. Alot of people have been judges on it like Violet86271, Awesomepanda868, Purplestarclub, Nafaria9, Sixty58, Lilkinzie and Carrot04. You see, it was really entertaining back then, but I kind of lost track. The Blog for it is still up and running today, but I haven't posted on it for months. If I bring it back, I'm the only current Judge that is on the panel. If you want to be a Judge, please go to The Voice AJ Blog (click HERE to go there!) I will make a post about your job as a Judge, what to do, and the requirements. I'm hoping to see at least three entries (because I need three more Judges). Anyways, that's going to be all for this post! There's going to be a Google Form you will have to fill out to become a Judge. Okay, I'm going to end this post now, I'll see you guys in my next one!


Swirlshine said...

The Voice AJ...Looks like fun! Maybe I'll try it out!
Although, I have a question. Do you just type the words of the song on AJ, or do you somehow record your real voice?

Penguin55544 said...

Yeah, you just type in the words.

Swirlshine said...

Ah. In that case, I may audition! Hehe!