Friday, July 29, 2016

Why I Suddenly Don't Like the Return Policy

Guys, the new return policy can actually be TRICKED.
Many people are probably going to take advantage of it now if they figure this new "secret way". I was just thinking about it, and it came into my mind how people could get around it and get tons of items. I won't mention this because I don't want people doing it on their own. Hopefully AJHQ can realize this and get rid renovate the return policy. Because, yes, this new way could give you tons of rares. Sadly, people are going to take advantage and use it if they figure it out. I'm not going to use it, because I don't really care that much about rares, but I'm just telling you guys that the return policy isn't all that great right now.


Starlynn said...

Yeah. That's my biggest worry. AJHQ is returning Black Long Spikes (Which for some reason are much rarer then some items they will not return) People are just gonna abuse this. Even though it's just 1 return per account, people are gonna make more! Even though they look at literally everything when figuring if the scam actually happened, people will loop their way out of it. This is not gonna go well

Swirlshine said...

Yeah, I thought about that. I just hope that not many people think of that...