Friday, July 29, 2016

Cafe Lamp + Daily Explorer Announcements and New Return Policy

Well, I'm back.
And I;m doing business.
Real business.
It's so important...
That you'll shake below my feet.
And guess what that business is?
NOTHING AT ALL, REALLY! Except for posting... so let's begin! Here is the new item.
This looks somewhat similar to the lamps in the Restaurant den, they're just in a different angle.
And here is the Daily Explorer update, which I pretty much include in every main post.
 And lastly, it looks like AJHQ has a new return policy for scamming- but only once for an account. 
 I bet so many people were angry when AJHQ said no headdresses. Oh well, if you're going to lose a special item, what's the point if you're just getting the same thing back? People will be thinking they are going to be rich with a bunch of new accounts... but they aren't. They'll just be getting the same items over and over again. However, I do like this because some people do get scammed. This is pretty helpful for everyone that actually does get scammed.
Anyways, that's all for this post, what do you think of the new item return policy? I like how it's only one time and AJHQ has to find evidence that it was actually a scam. People won't be abusing it. By the way, I won't be able to post until this afternoon because I am going to Boys and Girls club, and then the Dentist. Of all places, I have to spend my lovely Friday afternoon at the dentist. Oh well. But I'll be posting later tonight, so come back then! See you later, Jammers.

1 comment:

Starlynn said...

XD You posted bout the Return Policy literally a min before I did! Ah man! I didn't get the Eagles when they were on sale. Oh well. lol Also, love this new music!