Friday, December 30, 2016

A Few IRL Things About Me

As you can tell by the title, I'm going to be telling you about some of my features. And no, not on Animal Jam- but in real life. This is going to be a weird post explaining my personality, looks, and habits. Hopefully you won't be too surprised when I do my next face reveal now! Let's begin.

To start it off, what would I describe myself like? I have medium-long hair that stays right above my eyebrows. It is dark brown, and really thick. I honestly don't like my hair because it's hard to make a new look with. Then, my eyes are blue, but some people believe they're more green. Blue eyes run in my family, though, and I know I have them. My skin is white and I have a tan. I'm probably an average sized seventh seventh grader. (I'm also turning 13 on Friday, January 13, 2017. I sure hope nothing bad happens this year... haha) Most people don't expect this, but I'm one of the strongest people at my school. I exercise every day and lift weights. I don't look strong at all, though. Usually, you'll find me wearing Nike clothes. I almost forgot this, too- I wear black glasses. I don't really like them, but I have to wear glasses.

Now, what is my personality like? Any of my school friends would tell me weird but cool. I am a "funny" person to be around with and I'll always make you laugh. But sometimes I make weird ones, and do weird things. It's just me. Now, one of my biggest pet peeves is being underestimated. I get really good grades, and because of that, most people think that I only care about schoolwork, homework, and getting smarter. But that's not true. I love sports, friends, and other activities. 

That moves me onto the next part. I've told some of my AJ friends about this. I am a huge basketball fan, and I love playing the sport. I'll also ask for a pair of Basketball shoes for Christmas because I like their design, and they are based on certain NBA players. I am so, so thankful that I get stuff, and I love my mother a lot since she cares about me and because of our bond. I wish I could give to some of the people that need everything more than me, though.

In real life, if you get to know me, you probably wouldn't expect me to play Animal Jam on all things. But I've played it for a super long time and I just can't leave the game.  Friends are also my favorite part of the game and they are another big reason why I still play. It's a big part of my memories, and there's the fact that I have a huge passion for writing. My Language Arts teacher always compliments it. I'm not going to lie, but I'm the only person that writes that much in 7th grade at my school. These two things combined make me stay on AJ, and I don't plan on quitting any time soon. 

What is my school life like? I do hang out with some of the popular kids, but I always make sure they're not bad people. I absolutely hate bullying and I try my best to always defend the victims. I don't want to be the most popular person, because then my life would be completely based on IRL friends, texting and not playing Animal Jam. (Yep, AJ is a big part of my life, even if it is made of pixels) 

Here are some interesting facts about me! 
- I was born when my mom was really old.
- It's hard for me to stop moving. I might have slight ADHD.
- When I was born, I nearly died. My heart wasn't working right and the doctors had to save me.
- Enough of these "medical" facts. I can do a backflip!

That's all I have to share with you about myself. There's some other things, but they don't need to be included here. For now, I'll see you in my next post!

1 comment:

Cheer said...

Wow, you're pretty cool! Sorry I haven't been commenting on your blog, I'm experiencing slight apathy towards AJ. You're only a grade younger than me, and our birthdays are only 5 days apart! I have blue eyes too, they're pretty dull though.

In a way you're like my twin brother. You like to wear Nike stuff, and you're sporty and funny. Of course he has no passion for writing like you. I actually really like basketball, it's my favorite sport, I'm just not very good at it.