Monday, December 12, 2016

Rare Branch Antlers, Icicle Horn and Update on the Drama

Hola amigos!
Today has been a really long day for me. I absolutely hate Mondays, but the only thing I like about this one is that it's my last one before break. 
Let's get into the AJ part of this post now. I logged onto AJ this morning, and here is the Jamaaliday gift I got.
And since it's Monday, there's also a new Rare in stores. This one is more Jamaaliday themed, too.
Huh... I wonder if there will be a glitched version of this, too.
There's even a new item in stores today. There must be a lot of new stuff today.
Now, let's move on from the "new item" section. Here's the Daily Explorer update.
 That was pretty obvious because of the Rare, but hey... it doesn't matter that much.
Before I get to the main topic of this post, I wanted to give another reminder for the party this weekend. Here's the invitation again:
Honestly, As I look at the invitation now, it looks like I did a terrible editing job. It was hard to find spots on it where the letters could be seen. Hopefully the next one won't look like this!
The last part of this post is going to be about the hacking drama I mentioned earlier today. IDozAnimalJamz (Zade) recently teamed up with Floam and hacked into the game to get unreleased/deleted items. Everybody's been worrying about this. They also figured out how to change an animal's name to whatever they wanted. This is pretty scary. But then Julian2 was brought up for making the video about the items. I took a screenshot of IDoz's instagram to give you proof that there is now drama going on between Julian and him.
So, who are you siding with? I just wish that here was absolutely no drama and everyone would get over it.
That's all I have for this post. I'm going to try and stop talking about this drama. But for now, I'll see you guys later!

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