Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Candy Cane Horns, Member Daily Spin Confirmed and Weird Jammers

Whew... you wouldn't believe how hard I've been working today.
Yes, this post is late, isn't it? Well, I was updating the blog's layout all day. I wanted a new design for it, and now I have finally completed it. I think it's more unique than the last one, and I really hope you like it!
Anyways, let's move on. Here is the Jamaaliday Gift today.
These really remind me of the Yak Horns.
Also, who remembers the Festive Lights from last year? They returned, and now they're in stores. The glitched color hasn't returned, though, and most likely never will.
Secondly, here is the- no, never mind. I won't be posting a Daily Explorer update today. Instead, I wanted to announce that AJHQ has confirmed the new Member Daily Spin! 
Yes, I was planning to make a post about this earlier, but I've been busy today updating the blog.
The third part of this post is pretty stupid, but . These are some weird things I saw people saying in Jamaa Township.
 Yep... that kinda stood out in Jamaa Township. This girl wants a guy. Huh. I just like the way they worded it- it was funny.
In the Forgotten Desert, two people were blurting out random things. I thought this was pretty funny, also. Bubble Chat can allow you to say some of the cheesiest things.
Well, that's all I've got to post about for now. I hope you guys do like the new layout for the blog, and come back soon for more posts!

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