Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Milk and Cookies, Daily Explorer Update Returns, New Glitch and Theory

Hey guys!
Can you believe that Christmas is in four days? The hype is so strong where I am that I literally feel like exploding. I wish that it would Christmas already.
Now... let's move on from that part of the post. It's time for the Animal Jam part. So, here are the Jamaaliday Gifts available today. 

I really like how AJHQ has been giving all Jammers so many Diamonds. But maybe this only happened because Diamonds are going to be easy to get next year. (<<<that's probably true)
Secondly, here's the Daily Explorer update, which is returning after a day.
 Okay, I have a new glitch that I just found out. Look back at the Milk and Cookies plate that I got for the Jamaaliday Gift. It's red, right? Look what color it is when put into a den.
This is pretty weird. It reminds me of the Reindeer Wall Art when it changed colors, too. 
Finally, I am coming up with a new theory. Did the Deer possibly go somewhere important while they were travelling? Look at this. One of the future Daily Explorer posts will be talking about where the travelling deer go.
Why else would AJHQ make a post like this unless it's something important? My theory is that the Deer might have something to do with a new land, or the Message in a Bottle thing. But what? 
Make sure to comment below what you think about my theory here, and your thoughts on these Jamaaliday Gift glitches. Anyways, this post is now over, and I hope you enjoyed!

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