Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Items of Jamaa, Episode 14: Elf Tail Armor

And now, it looks like Items of Jamaa is returning for another episode.
Yes, that's what this post is going to be about. We'll be talking about Elf Tail Armor now. I remember when everyone wanted one of these, and they were super rare.
- Eight of the original colors were released in the Diamond Shop.
- It used to be a very popular item.
- After it was released to the Diamond Shop on the first day, it was removed on November 28, 2015.
- It returned to the Diamond Shop on May 7, 2016.
- There is a silver/gold version of this, which could be bought in the "Graham's Workshop" adventure.
- It's price is four Diamonds.
- When it was first released, it was a Monthly Member gift.
- A similar item, the Raccoon Tail, is available at the Summer Carnival each year.

That's a wrap on the Elf Tail Armor. It's a pretty iconic item still and I remember when it was wanted by everyone. But times have past and the game has changed. 
Anyways, yeah, this post is now over. I hope you enjoyed, and I'll see you later!

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