Friday, December 9, 2016

Lostfairy's Christmas Tag

Hey guys!
Yesterday, I was really out of it. I've been having the same "procrastinating problem" for the past few days, but now that I think about it, it's simple to overcome it if your mom threatens to take something away from you. So that's what I'll have to do. (Ha, a little extreme, but it will work!)
Moving on now. Lostfairy recently made a Christmas Tag. And guess what? I was tagged! So for this morning post I'll be answering the questions on it.
- On AJ, i'm not really hoping for anything in particular. I just want to have the best Winter Break ever with my buddies.
- Yes, I do! It starts on Thanksgiving. My family goes to my Aunt's house, who hosts the parties, and we draw names there. The name that we draw is the person we have to buy  a Christmas Present for. Then, we go out to that house again on Christmas Eve. The adults play Dirty Santa, a game that can get frustrating. We also stay up late and spend the night on Christmas eve. Then, once Christmas comes, everybody has to wake up first before we open our presents. After opening our presents, a Santa arrives at the house and gives each of the kids a gift. (They must've paid him to do it- my other half of the family is pretty rich.) Later in the day, we'll all have a big Christmas dinner. We visit for a while after that, and then we all head home.
- Honestly, it's had to choose. There's just so much I like about it. The snow is cool, the joy, the presents, the family, the friends, the dinner (haha) and everything basically.
- What do I want for Christmas? A MILLION DOLLARS! (No, actually, I couldn't get that.) But there are a few things that I'll probably be getting: clothes, Animal Jam cards and Basketball shoes. If you're wondering why I mentioned Basketball shoes here's why:
It may seem surprising, but I really enjoy Basketball. I like it a lot and I'e played it for a long time. It's one of my two favorite sports. I started watching it a while ago, and I noticed their shoes. From then on, I became obsessed with Basketball shoes, and I always ask for a pair during Christmas. 
- Honestly, nobody ever knows the truth. You can believe or not believe, but the truth is hard to find. If you're wondering why I am saying this if a Santa comes to my aunt's house, it's obviously a fake one. The real one is a mystery.

Alright, that sums up this Tag. I hope you guys enjoyed, and maybe you learned a few new things about my life! Now, here is the Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt question for today: When was Jamaaliday Rescue, the seasonal adventure, released?
That's all I have for this post, and I'll see you later.

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