Friday, December 30, 2016

Snowman Fridge, Face Reveal Poll Results and The Newest Glitch

Hey guys! 
I am really sorry for not making an update post yesterday. I was busy all day because a kid came over to spend the night- I think a 5 year old (lol)- and I had to go to the zoo with them. But today, I get to post again, despite the fact that they're still here. Let's start the post.
Here is the newest Jamaaliday Gift, which you can get today!
I'm also sorry that this image doesn't have the item. No matter how many storage accounts I got onto, it wouldn't show up!
The Daily Explorer also has a new post, so make sure to read it.
 Now, it's time to move on to the interesting part of this post. The first thing I'd like to show you is the poll results. Based on them, I'll be doing another Face Reveal soon!
It'll take me a few days to get the right picture. I'm warning you, though- I am extremely ugly. No matter how many people try to convince me I'm handsome, I know I'm ugly. (it's just a parent thing I guess, haha.) Anyways, the Face Reveal post will probably be out on January 1st.
The best part of this post has arrived. I recently found out about another glitch. Yesterday, this was the new Jamaaliday Gift:
However, when you put it in a den, the Snowflake Stepping Stones look like this.
In the original picture, there was a pink snowflake. But in this one, they're white! This is just one of the many glitches we've gotten this year. I wish the items would actually have their first color, though. 
Oh, and I almost forgot to mention this. Am I the only person wondering where the update is? I mean, I really wanted one yesterday, but I get that it will probably come on January 1st. Hopefully it will be good. The only thing I know that will be included in it so far is the new Daily Spin.
Anyways, that's the end of this post now. I might post something soon, so stay tuned! 

1 comment:

Cheer said...

Hehe I understand about the face reveal, I had to do the same thing. I remember I hated doing it, since I find myself ugly too. You probably look great though!

I was wondering where the update was too.