Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Most Legendary Item... Is Returning?

Okay, guys, this is probably the most weirdest thing that's happened this year. If this does become true, it'll be a big change.
Watch this video, which is another sneak peak for tomorrow's update.
Did you watch the whole thing? Even the very last part?
Yes, Skullies (might be spelled wrong, but it's been forever and I can't remember how) might be coming back tomorrow. Towards the end, they show them on an Arctic Wolf for a second. Here's a screenshot:
As you can see, these are Skullies.
What do you think about this? I don't know if AJHQ would just release them to everyone, though. Maybe they'll give them out to one special Jammer? Or if they do release them to everyone, they'll probably be in the Diamond Shop. I think this could be a really, really good update. Some people might not agree with Skullies coming back (not 100% sure if they will yet), and I kinda agree with them. I think the idea of releasing 1 into the whole game would be cool, but then that person would probably get threatened. Hopefully nothing bad would happen to them if this is the case. Also, if many people get them, wouldn't they put them on Pandas? But, if they are releasing them, they will probably the Skullies to look more appropriate. Or they could edit the Panda's actions. If you didn't know, the Skullies were only available for a few days and then were removed from the game completely. But how could AJHQ be releasing them again? I guess we'll just have to wait and see. Honestly, if I have to really decide what my opinion on this is, it's that I don't really like it. Why would they release an item, removed for a reason, again? What will they look like on a Panda now?
Anyways, I'm going to move on from this. Enough talk about Skullies. Here is the Jamaaliday gift today.
Another returning gift, but this one is pretty popular!
Finally, here's the Daily Explorer update. I usually have the best part of the post for last, but the Skully thing really distracted me.
 And yeah, that's the end of this post. Do you really think AJHQ will release Skullies again? If they do, what is your opinion on it? Comment below and I'll see you later!

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