Monday, December 12, 2016

The New AJ Hackers?

I have a pretty interesting topic topic share with you, today. The people involved in this are IDozAnimalJamz and Zade. Watch this video below and you'll understand what I'm about to talk about.
I've read a few posts about this, including Nafaria9's. Many videos have also been posted about this, too. Basically, these two players somehow hacked into the game and got these items. The Skullys were removed from the game way back during 2010. The Alpha Healing Staff is extremely hard to get, though. Only a few players have them. And that green top hat is an unreleased version of it, which I believe was deleted long ago. Now, what do you think about them hacking? I don't really like it, and I hope that they don't do anything too dangerous to the game. Right now, I don't believe they are going to do that. They're just messing with items. But they have the potential now to do a lot of hacking. 
Comment your thoughts on this below. It's a pretty serious topic! Anyways, I haven't done the Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt for a while, and I'm thinking about cancelling it. It's sometimes hard to get people to enter. Sorry about this, but I might do it again next year. I did like the idea, though it was hard to get comments.
And that's the end of this post. If I have time, I might post another before school, or just work on one. But for now, I'll see you later!


Lostfairy said...

I'm actually super scared about these hackers. I feel like I should lock my account or something.... D: I hope AJ gets rid of them SOON! O.O

Penguin55544 said...

I think some drama started between Julian2 and these new "hackers". It's getting pretty dangerous at this point, and I hope that everything turns out all right.