Tuesday, December 6, 2016

A Jammer's Dream, Book 4: The Darkest Days - Prologue

Welcome back to another post, guys.
Right now, it's the morning again, and that means it's time for the morning post. But today, I recently finished the prologue of the next Jammer's Dream book, so here it is! Remember that there may be mistakes because I have not finished the whole story yet. And make sure to read the other books before starting this one! (I've linked posts where you can read the other books on the "Storys" tab)
Now, here it is.

A Jammer’s Dream, Book 4: The Darkest Days
“Do you really think it’s possible? That he will betray us all? But who is with him? Who will be on his side?” asks a large, muscular figure. The figure stands in a small hut in the center of Jamaa Township, talking to a familiar female panda.
“Oh, Faber, I really don’t know. But this topic is serious. One of our own Jamaasians could betray us in the final battle,” Liza the Panda Alpha whispers in the dim, small hut. The bamboo walls let sound travel through the air, so whispering is required.
Faber stares at the cold ground. The hut is one small room, but with many artifacts from Jamaa’s past. He trots over to a desk full of ancient papers and sits down. After lighting a candle, he begins rummaging through the papers.
“What are you doing?” asks Liza.
“Maybe we can get to the bottom of this. There has to be clues somewhere. We will be betrayed, and I know that. But I just don’t know by who,” Faber replies quickly, more interested in the papers.
“But do you really think that it’s…” Liza begins to speak, but stops half way through.
“I hope not. A Jamaasian would not betray the animals unless they have a reason,” Faber suddenly stops staring at the papers.
“And he does,” Liza admits. “A very good one.”
“You could be right, but we still don’t have enough evidence. We can’t jump to conclusions yet. After all, if we go up to him and ban him from Jamaa, he could be innocent. Let’s keep searching for clues,” Faber then grabs the papers and begins his quest yet again.
As Liza and Faber search through the old, yellowing papers, another figure opens the door and slowly walks into the hut.
“Rapicik? What’s going on?” Liza questions as Rapicik enters the hut, covered in blood. He slams the door shut so the early dawn light doesn’t reveal everything in the hut.
“I went to the Dream World, and trust me, there are petrifying events that will occur in the near future,” Rapicik pants, trying to catch his breath.
“You went into the Dream World?!?” Faber angrily whispers.
Rapicik just stares back at him, expressionless.
“What did you find?” Liza wonders.
“A horrible disease is going to come to Jamaa soon. I don’t know when are what it will be, but we have to prepare for anything. And an enemy is returning to Jamaa… a horrible enemy that caused a battle. This enemy seems to have black fur, but I know nothing else. This ‘returning enemy’ is under control of an even more powerful force, but I don’t know who. These two must have something to do with the upcoming battles. The last thing I found out was… umm… I can’t remember…” Rapicik suddenly starts scanning his brain for answers.
“What was it?” Faber demands.
“Oh, yes!” he lifts up his head.
“The one who will betray Jamaa has a reason. They are jealous of something,” Rapicik explains.

At that moment, Faber and Liza look at each other. For them, it’s all adding up. But could the seemingly harmless, young Jamaasian really betray Jamaa?

That's the end of the prologue, and this was like a Sneak Post post. But I nearly forgot about the Jamaaliday Scavenger Hunt. Remember that today you can win two prizes by commenting the other answer for yesterday (the question for that is on the Rooms of Jamaa, Episode 13 post), and commenting the answer for today. I'll make an exception today that you don't have to comment the tab for yesterday's question, but for today's you must. The question today is: How long has the AJ Spring been around for?
Now, that's the end of this post. I'll see you guys later.

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